Cringe-Watch Brad & Jen Re-Enacting ‘Fast Times’ Bikini Scene


Brad and Jen teamed up with a bunch of other stars for a charity reading of Fast Times at Ridgemont High

If still shipping Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston is wrong, who would ever want to be right? Everyone’s favorite early aughts celebrity couple reunited with a bunch of other celebrities for a charity table read of Fast Times at Ridgemont High and things took… a turn. A flirtatious turn. And sorry not sorry, but fans are swooning.

Aniston played the role of Linda Barrett, whom you may recall Phoebe Cates playing in the original film, and Pitt played Brad Hamilton, who was portrayed by Judge Reinhold in the movie. And yes they did that scene. You know the one.

Aniston and Pitt re-created the famous dream scene where Brad (the character, not the actor — though there are SO MANY LEVELS of art imitating life here) imagines a bikini-clad Linda as she seductively acknowledges him and climbs out of his swimming pool.

“Hi, Brad,” Aniston (as Linda) said. “You know how cute I always thought you were. I think you’re so sexy. Will you come to me?”

Are you cringing yet? Yeah. Just wait.

In the movie, the real-life, non-dream Linda barges into the bathroom to interrupt Brad’s dream and happens upon him while he’s masturbating.

“Doesn’t anybody f– knock any more?!” Pitt (as movie Brad) said.

It’s the good kind of painful to watch the formerly married, always legendary couple read opposite each other, isn’t it? Like cringe-y but also can’t-look-away good?

Pitt and Aniston were joined in the reading by John Legend, Matthew McConaughey, Ray Liotta, Jimmy Kimmel, Julia Roberts, Dane Cook, Henry Golding, Shia LaBeouf, and the original Jeff Spicoli himself, Sean Penn, who played the pizza guy.

And because Shia LaBeouf is, well, Shia LeBeouf, he went shirtless and smoked throughout the entire reading (he’s a method actor through and through, that one). Morgan Freeman narrated the whole thing, which was an amazing casting decision in every way.

You can watch the full read on YouTube:

The purpose of the big table read was to raise money for the emergency relief nonprofit CORE, which Penn founded. The purpose of CORE is to save lives and strengthen communities impacted by or vulnerable to crisis, like COVID-19.

The brief scene between Brad and Jen had not only fans grinning, but the entire star-filled cast, too. Their reactions are adorable, especially when Brad said hello to Jen in the most sigh-worthy way possible.

Honestly, it’s okay to love these two because they know how much they’re loved (as a couple and as individuals) and they totally play it up for our benefit. It’s all innocent fun.

Better than all of that, though, was Jennifer Aniston’s commitment to the role of Linda and her amazing wardrobe change:

If Jennifer Aniston needs a new BFF that isn’t someone she used to be married to, we’re available.